Emberlight Festival Announces 2021 Ambassadors

The Emberlight Festival, an annual celebration that produces world-class art within the natural beauty of Michigan’s western Upper Peninsula, is pleased to announce the 2021 Emberlight Ambassadors. The Emberlight Ambassador Program is a specialized mentorship opportunity for the next generation of art lovers, volunteers, community leaders, artists, humanitarians, and socially conscious individuals.

The Ambassador Program is underwritten by Aspirus Health Care. The Ambassador’s four areas of focus this summer will be professionalism, artistry, inspiration, and service. These young people will have opportunities that range from a day behind the scenes at Stormy Kromer, backstage access to all of Emberlight’s 2021 productions, classes with Emberlight’s guest artists, and virtual sessions with artistic and business leaders from around the country.

The 2021 Emberlight Ambassadors are: Catherine Baker of Marenisco, MI (Sponsored by Anne Tyson), Cas Bordner of Montreal, WI (Sponsored by Sturgul and Long, S.C.), Kara Dums of Ramsay, MI (Sponsored by Jessica Cattelino), Kailyn Fingeroos of Bessemer, MI (Sponsored by Anonymous), Reiley Hollenbeck of Bessemer, MI (Sponsored by Gary Portadin), Kayla Kahila of Wakefield, MI (Sponsored by Incredible Bank), Jack Matrella of Bessemer, MI (Sponsored by The Mykkanen Family), Rachel Nyquist of Bessemer, MI (Sponsored by Jessica Cattelino), Baylee Schwartz of Bessemer, MI (Sponsored by Jessica Cattelino), Theodore Wittla-Sprague of Bessemer, MI (Sponsored by the Wakefield-Bessemer Rotary Club). These individuals submitted applications that were reviewed by advisors from around the United States.

Season tickets are now on sale and individual tickets will be available on July 15. Emberlight’s 2021 season includes Broadway stars in concert at Big Powderhorn Mountain Resort (August 26 – 28), Miles Mykkanen and John Arida in Recital at the Historic Ironwood Theatre (August 28), Art in the Park (opening July 2), an International Film Festival (August 31 – September 3), the world premiere of the documentary film “Route 2 Elsewhere” (September 1), and many free events throughout the summer including book clubs, four art shows, and Performance Infusions in the Miners Memorial Heritage Park every Saturday from July 10 until August 21. More information is available at www.emberlight.org/2021season
